Don’t Wait To Feel Inspired: Tips to Get You Writing When You Don’t Feel Like It

Mary Oluonye
4 min readJan 25, 2023
Don’t Wait for Inspiration Photo: DepositPhotos

When it comes to writing, don’t wait to feel inspired.

If you wait to write only when you feel inspired, then you won’t finish. At best, it will take you much longer to write that paper, report, article, blog post or book you are trying to write.

Waiting to feel inspired is just not going to work, especially if you are, or want to be, a professional writer, or if writing is a large part of your livelihood and the way you make some income.

Here are some quotes and tips to get you writing again when you feel least inspired.

“I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.” ~ Pearl S. Buck

Writing is hard work. Think of your writing as a job and you are the employee. You are accountable to your employer by the end of the day. The only difference here is that you are the employer and as such, you should expect your employee to do the work that you are paying them to do.

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.”~ Stephen King

The answer sounds easy, just go ahead and put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard and write. But that’s easier said than done.



Mary Oluonye

Writer| Editor| Africa Travel Specialist| I write about writing, travel, valuing self and others & self-improvement. Best way to reach me: